
Jonathan F. Sears, CPA, CA, BACS

Partner of Sears Chartered Accountants

11 years experience as a licensed Chartered Accountant. Areas of practice: Audit, accounting and tax services.

Jon began to pursue his Chartered Accountant designation in 2003 while at Herlihey Newsome LLP and became a licensed CA in 2007. He continued to work diligently to a management position in 2009 and became a partner of Herlihey Newsome Sears in 2012. His determination and drive for success lead him to start his own accounting firm in 2014, Jonathan Sears CA Professional Corporation, which operates as Sears Chartered Accountants.

Jon’s eagerness to learn and offer valuable tax advice to his broad range of clients continued as he furthered his professional development completing a 3 year In-Depth Tax course through the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario.

He is actively involved with his clients and provides assurance, consulting, personal and corporate tax advice including corporate reorganizations. He specializes in charity and not-for-profit organization requirements such as preparation of reports for the Ministry of Health to their funders.

Jon believes that quality work, timely service, professionalism and the development of long-term business relationships is the key to success with clients.