Scan it Anywhere
By: Jonathan Sears 03/09/2012Scanning is no longer confined to the desktop. There are times in any business when you’re out of the office and away from your scanner but you still need to make a digital copy of a paper document or business card. When you’re at the office, chances are you have either a standard desktop scanner […]
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Ethical Behaviour
By: Jonathan Sears 03/09/2012A strong corporate ethic has effects deep into the stakeholder community. Owner-managed businesses are under increasing pressure to ensure that their conduct as corporate citizens and the conduct of their employees as private citizens meet certain standards of ethical behaviour. It is all too easy for owner-managers to forget, however, that even though their business […]
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I Hate Paying Income Tax
By: Jonathan Sears 03/09/2012Penalties for income tax evasion can range from heavy fines to imprisonment. Who doesn’t hate paying their income tax? However, most Canadian taxpayers, including owner-managers, understand that paying their fair share of income tax is simply the price of living in Canada with its many benefits. It is not surprising that those who do pay […]
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I’m A Doctor – Should I Incorporate?
By: Jonathan Sears 03/05/2012Hello everybody. I am Jonathan Sears from Sears Chartered Accountants. The topic today is I am a doctor. Should I incorporate?. It seems to be making more and more sense for doctors to incorporate. There are still a few doctors that it doesn’t make sense for, and I’ll tell you why it doesn’t make sense […]
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Should I Buy or Lease a Vehicle?
By: Jonathan Sears 02/27/2012Hi Everybody, I am Jonathan Sears from Sears Chartered Accountants. Thanks for watching my video today. Topic today is going to be should I buy or lease my vehicle. And if I have a corporation should I have them within the corporation or should I hold them outside of the corporation. It’s not a difficult […]
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The Difference between a compiliation, review and audit
By: Jonathan Sears 02/20/2012Hi Everybody, I am Jonathan Sears from Sears Chartered Accountants. Today we are going to talk about the difference between a compilation, a review and an audit. Very often, I get the question, which one do I need. Or briefly explain the three of them and discuss in general which one most people go with. […]
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Should I Incorporate – Income Splitting
By: Jonathan Sears 02/13/2012Transcript: Hi everybody. I am Jonathan Sears from Sears Chartered Accountants. We have been talking about the reasons to incorporate. So far we talked about credit approving, and we talked about tax deferral and now we talk about income splitting which to me is the biggest advantage of incorporating. Income splitting is basically an opportunity […]
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Should I Incorporate? Tax Deferral
By: Jonathan Sears 02/06/2012Transcript: The next reason I consider incorporating is tax deferral. Generally people who are making large income about let’s say $150,000 dollars or more are looking at a marginal tax rate of 40%. 40% is quite a lot of tax. If it is within the incorporation that this money is being earned it comes down […]
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Should I Incorporate? Limiting Liability & Protecting Your Assets
By: Jonathan Sears 01/30/2012Hi everybody. I am Jonathan Sears from Sears Chartered Accountants. So right now we are talking about point number 1 about why you should potentially incorporate. Point number 1 is limiting your liability and protecting your assets your personal assets more specifically. What an incorporation allows you to do is separate your business from your […]
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Should I Incorporate?
By: Jonathan Sears 01/23/2012Transcript: Hello. I am Jonathan Sears. I work for a Chartered Accountancy firm called Sears Chartered Accountants and topic number one is Should I Incorporate? Should I incorporate is not an easy question. All the facts have to be considered very carefully. The most important fact is first of all, would you be considered as […]
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